Thursday, May 19, 2011


Today I begin my 4th day of a three month sabbatical. As the term implies, it is intended to bring rest on a variety of levels and the resulting refreshment of body and ministry vision that such a rest should produce. Although I have been looking forward to a renewal of vision, time with family and the opportunity to study, I had not given much thought to needing rest - I wasn't aware of  feeling tired on any significant levels.
                                                                my new home at home

   I was wrong! These first days of getting settled into a new routine, organizing a study area, and really  being with my family have have been a delight. The one word that describes what I felt almost immediately was "unburdened". Carrying any load or burden is tiring and yet I was going along unaware of holding a burden and not in touch that it was tiring me out. That's a bit scary - to be that unaware!

So what are the great "burdens" that I have been carrying? I think they are nothing more than the ones we are all tempted to carry - work responsibilities, family demands and schedules, finances, personal hopes and goals, daily chores - nothing out of the ordinary, as a matter of fact - they will always be there - they are part of the life the Lord has placed us in... The problem is that I have carried them - not the Lord. Having these burdens miracuously lifted in these first days has brought me to see that if I had left these for Jesus to carry - I could have been experiencing refreshment on a much deeper level not just on sabbatical but as an ongoing, daily reality prior to this time. Jesus said "... you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matt. 11:30

It is amazing that we can carry a very heavy load and actually grow accustomed to it, to mistake tired trudging for a free and restful walk with Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chris! Oh how I identify; been there, experiencing all of that;and by His grace, I am brought back to the rest and truth found in Matthew 11:28-30. The need to confess, in shame and sorrow, the tyranny of the urgent and the tyranny of my flesh always returns me to be like Mary, sitting at His feet. How enormously refreshing; how peacefully do humility and joy grow in my heart.
    May your Savior bless you above all expectation as you rest in Him.
    In His peace,
    Shirley Buchanan


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