So we have now held 2 Saturday services in addition to our regular Sunday morning gatherings with many more ahead. I have joked several times that if i don't get the message right when I teach on Saturday, I always have another chance to get it right on Sunday.
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."
2 Tim. 2:15
I was in AWANA all through elementary school - I know that verse! But knowing is not enough. Last week I was challenged on a couple of ooccasions about my schedule, what things get the best of my time, following through and being faithful in my primary tasks. One area of not giving enough time - of not following through, has to do with letting the Word work its way into my heart before sharing what I have studied. In my teaching, when Saturday evening rolls around is not the time to begin letting it sink in - that needs to happen way before then.
This past Sunday as I listened and sang during our musical worship time - the same songs as Saturday - they gripped me in a more significant way, they got into my heart in ways that had not occurred the evening before. Sometimes - perhaps at all times - we need to visit songs and scriptures over and over - then they impact and then we can share from a good place. It takes more time, a bit more work, discipline in time and scheduling and in study - but that is the calling for us all if we are to accurately handle the word of truth.
Study - wait - meditate - study - discuss - wait .... get a good grasp on the Word and let the Word get a good grasp on us - then share it!